Our Sangha


Sangha is the specific expression for a Buddhist-practicing community of people who are mutually supportive in bringing about happiness, peace and liberation in their lives. We strive to live such a community.

Each individual can only go his own way of liberation. Therefore, there are as many different ways as there are individuals. We take this Buddhist wisdom seriously. Everyone is honored and accompanied in their being - but we all practice the same timeless teachings of the Buddha.

The Buddha taught no beliefs; he tought the liberation from suffering. Therefore, it goes without saying that men and women of all denominations can join us. Those who want to co-operate in our community do not have to commit themselves and there is nowhere to quit. We are committed to values which we all want to live voluntarily: respect and appreciation, commitment, support and responsibility, truthfulness and mindfulness. On this basis, a constructive learning process of the entire group unfolds, which supports and challenges the individual in his spiritual development.

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